Friday, 1 September 2017

The rollercoaster of parenting

So I have always been honest in my writing, its the reason I write, I want to be honest with people. If my writing makes one person feel like they arent alone, feel like someone understands them, then my job here is done.

So today I want to talk about parenting. I made 2 little people, with a little help from hubby of course. But I grew them, I was lucky enough to fall pregnant with them (something ill go into more detail about another day) But I grew them, I watched them change every day, learn new things, say new things and do new things. Its such an incredible journey and I am so blessed to have these little people in my life.

But guess what, some days I my mind wanders, on the days where its 7:30 am, my two beautiful children have already made each other bleed from the fighting (yes, this literally happened the other morning). But those days, my mind wanders, and I find my self thinking, what would my life if I didn't have any kids. Its awful I know and its not that I wish I didn't have them. I love them endlessly. But a woman can dream right?

I dream about a house that I clean, that then stays clean. I dream about alone time with my husband, him calling me on the way home from work suggesting we go for dinner, I dream about going to bed at 10 and not being woken up once over night and sleeping until I wake up in the morning, breakfast in bed and a Sunday morning spent in silence.

Some days are really bad and I have these thoughts along with those that tell me, maybe I feel this way because i'm not a good enough mum. Does feeling this way make me less of a mother? Does it highlight that maybe I shouldn't be a mum? Does it make me ungrateful? I have these thoughts and I leave them in a deep dark pocket of my brain, scared that if I voice them, all the awful things I feel become real.

Until I sit with other mothers, and I say these thought out loud and I feel like mood in the room shift, I feel the other mothers take a breath and love the fact that they arent the only ones who feel this way. The share their thought about some days, wanting to just go back to bed, wanting half an hour of silence or wanting to have a cup of tea in peace.

Guess what mums? Its ok not to love being a mum all day every day. Its ok to some days feel overwhelmed and frustrated! Its ok to dream about a life without kids, these thoughts dont make you less of a mother, they dont make you undeserving of your children.

Its normal

Its healthy

And guess what, they will still go to bed at night and you'll miss them the moment they are asleep. because love wins. 
