Ive missed you, ive missed writting, ive missed sharing.
I had to take a break. To start off with I decided i needed a week. to switch off and disconnect. A week turned into a month, which turned into 6 months. And now I feel ready to come back and begin sharing again.
So why the hiatus you make ask?
Viral blog post...to put it simply.
The very last post on this blog when viral. More viral than anything ive ever written before. My last post was quite literally read, 8000x more than my next highest read post. It was posted on facebook pages such as Kidspot, News.com and Daily Mail. It was also on radio, news and other media outlets. It went crazy. I was contacted by people to give interviews, podcasts and phone calls. Everyone wanted to hear about my interaction with that mother and daughter.
At first I was totally blown away. I watched the number on my blog climb and climb, I watched my inbox fill! I was happy at first because I though I was able to share this story and hopefully share the love. The idea behind the post in the first place. How ever thats not entirely what took place.
Most of the comments on the post were positive, supporting me, supporting my choices. However it wasnt those comments that stuck with me. It was the negative comments, however not just the ones directed at me. I would open the comments section and see mothers attacking other mothers for their choices. I saw the breastfeeding and formular feeding war unfolding before my eyes. This was the opposite of why I shared my story.
I wanted to spread love, I wanted to share the story to enforce the importance of parents supporting one another. This was not what happened in the end and I couldnt stand it. I felt awful for the women that were fighting. I felt awful for people feeling as though I was attacking other mothers for not breastfeeding.
Thats not me, thats not what im about. I support any parent making any decision that is best for them and best for their children. Thats the message I wanted to share. I got messages from people, telling me I was sexually abusing my child by feeding for so long. I got messages from people saying I was disgusting for shaming other mothers. I got messages from people asking for explicit images.
I had to switch off. I had to close down the blog and ignore these messages.
The article still pops up in my feed every now and then and it just makes me cringe.
So now im back, for a couple of reasons. One to say to everyone:
I suppprt you, I support your decisions, I support you caring and loving your children exactly how you see fit. Please know that I think each and every one of you is fantastic.
The second reason?
Its Troll free day today. I LOVE THIS CONCEPT! Share the love, spread the love, support one another. What better day than to switch back on, than today!
So im being brave, im coming back to continue to share my story, to share my journey, I have lots of things I want to do, lots of things I want to share and I want to connect with others going through the same things!
So here I am, the trolls wont win! Support and love will win!
Lets do this :)
Great job embracing your power! Welcome back, lovely!