Sunday 28 August 2016

Dear discheveled mum

Dear Discheveled mum,

High five for getting out of the house even though you look exhausted

Good on you for taking hold of your four year olds hand and stopping when he wants to show you every toy upon the shelves.

Enjoy those hotdogs and milkshakes with your little men, watching them giggle as they eat is truly beautiful isnt it?

Dear Disheveled mum,

Dont fret, your boys will remember the good times, the smiles the laughs

Dont stress, the bad days are numbered the good days are plentiful

Be kind, to yourself, everyone has bad days, sad days, tired days, thats ok!

Dear Disheveled mum,

You're amazing, you're wonderful and your children are proud of you

You're a wonderful mum, the fact you doubt that just proves that you are

You're everything your family need and more, their shining faces prove that

Dear Disheveled mum

Laugh with your children, they love you today and always

Love those around you, spread it, share it, feel it

Take time for yourself, a 5minute cup of tea in peace is just what the doctor ordered.

Always be kind, always share love and always remember that you ARE good enough, today and always.

I wrote this to remind myself that today is just a day, a bad day that will pass. My children love me and thats all that matters.
Hey mums, dads, grandparents and carers...YOU ROCK!

My hairs not done, my kids have mismatched socks and we ate hotogs for lunch, BUT we survived!

Thursday 4 August 2016

The Bucket list

Do you have a bucket list?

I do, its about a mile long. It started when I was in my teenage years. I had all the important things on the list then.

1. kiss a boy
2. fall in love
3. Own every flavour lip smaker

Like I said, important things.

As I grew, my ambitions changed! I became more mature and my bucket list became more mature with it

1. Find a boyfriend
2. Find a boyfriend
3. Don't let mum and dad find out I had a few too many drinks at that party last night

Ok, so not really that much more mature. But hey, at least all of those ones came true!

I have a real bucket list that involves traveling to various locations around the world at very specific times of the year. I want to show much children the world, but the real world. I want them to see third world countries, I want to volunteer with them. I want them to see the wonders that are all around us, not just beaches and theme parks. Of course we will see them too!

But as previously mentioned I have been having a few struggles getting my life in to gear of late. So Ive decided im going to put together a bit of a bucket list for the next week. 7 things that I want to achieve by next Sunday. Ill put up a blog afterwards to let you know how I go, or you can follow me on Instagram and ill post about how it goes. Anyway, here is my list!

1. Read at least 3 books to the kiddos every day
2. Make at least one hour a day of 100% focused time with the boys. No phones, no cleaning, nothing but good old quality time with them!
3. Get out of the house every day, even if its just to the shops
4. If nothing else gets done, make sure every day the beds get made and the benches get cleared off
5. Make sure there is a meal prepared for every dinner, no take away, no frozen pizza! actual meals!
6. Exercise! every day! Doesnt matter if its 5 minutes or 3 hours. I need to kick my butt into gear
7. SMILE! a smile a day keeps the sadness away. I want to find the silver lining every day!

To some, these things might seem totally ridiculous! But to me, these are honest things that I need to work on. I have pinpointed these exact things, as things that are mising from my life! little things that might help my life get back on track a bit.

So here I go! Ill check back in 10 days and let you know HONESTLY if these small changes made any impact on my life what so ever :)